Friday, October 24, 2008

Features to be Heard on "The Sports Buffet" podcast.

In case you don't know (or have been on Mars, Neptune or Uranus) I am the author, creator, producer, writer, director, host and any other superlative you'd like to throw in of "The Sports Buffet" podcast. I always look for feedback on "The Sports Buffet". If you have thoughts (what you think of current podcasts), comments or suggestions (who are your favorite teams and what guests do you want to hear), e-mail me at Also, I am going to be creating a mailing list to update you when new podcasts are added to "The Sports Buffet"."The Sports Buffet" features high school, college and professional sports. You will be able to hear new podcasts as well as older segments from "Talking High School Sports" and other games broadcasted throughout the years on WKDE.Here are some of the segments (most of these will be related to high school sports) that you will be hearing on "The Sports Buffet"

"The Sports Buffet" is going to be taking a lot of the segements/features that were spotlighted on "Talking High School Sports". "The Sports Buffet" ( continues to add previous broadcasts from "Talking High School Sports" to the pod-cast site, however we also will be developing new ones as well. In order, to do that, Here is what you can expect in terms of segments on "The Sports Buffet"

* "Checking In": This segment features updates on former high school athletes from the Lynchburg area and beyond as they continue their athletic careers in college. You will hear from the athlete, as well as current and past teammates and coaches.

* "Where Are They Now": This is the segment where we catch up with former high school athletes, coaches, media members, officials, athletic directors, athletic trainers and more from the Lynchburg area and beyond to find out what they are doing now. You will hear from the individual as well as people that were associated with them during their time in high school sports in the Lynchburg area and beyond.

* "Teammates": This segment test two teammates from an athletic squad to see how well they know each other. With larger teams, it may become a contest to where it would feature 3 teams of 2, similar to ESPN's "Teammates", where they are competing against one another. But, with smaller teams it will feature two participants from a team to see how well they know each other with questions that pertain to questions away from the sport, i.e. favorite movie, favorite food and so forth.

* Know Your Coach...... New segment that will see how well a player knows their coach. This is very similar to "Teammates" but will instead feature 3 athletes from a team to see how well they know their coach.

* "One on One with Bob Alvis": This segement takes a personality from the sporting world and gives them 12 questions that they would not hear in their normal, everday life, such as "If you were stuck on a desert island, what 3 movies would you want with you?"

* "Inside the Game": This segment is designed to take a fast pace look at a sport or conference and it's most recent happenings. The segment can also be designed to take a look at a specific night. For example, a Friday night in High School Football could be covered on one edition of "Inside the Game"

* "Bumps and Bruises": This segment is designed to allow athletic trainers to talk about a prevention, rehabilitation method, or anything they feel needs to be brought to the public's attention relating to the area of athletic training.

* Away from the Game...... Was to be known as "Off the Field" on "Talking High School Sports" but never really got off the ground. Segment is designed to highlight an athlete's good deeds away from the field. For example, an athlete that may help out at a nursing home, or tutors other students, or is just a good student and is actively involved in their school, church or another organization.

* "Coach's Corner": This is where a coach talks about a technique, strategy, or something that will allow the public insight on the game that they coach.

* "Rules of the Game": This is where a sports official talks about a rule of the sport they officiate. Nothing much more to say about that.

* "The Roundtable": This is where 3 coaches, media members, athletes or officials sit down and talk not so much strategy but more of coaching phillosphies and general sitatuions about sports.

* "Profile": Every now and again we will have a feature on a coach, player, official, athletic director, broadcaster, etc. You will hear from the person being feature, as well as other people talking about them.

You can go to the pod-cast of "The Sports Buffet" ( and hear examples of the segments from the days of "Talking High School Sports" as well as the new segments that will be added to "The Sports Buffet"."The Sports Buffet" is a free pod-cast developed by Bob Alvis, a self described sports nut, as he looks to promote the great things in sports at all levels as well as to inform and entertain the general public. I do have one child (and another on the way) as well as working a 3rd shift job, so I apologize up front if I don't give as much coverage as I'd like to a certain team

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