Thursday, August 21, 2008

Update on "The Sports Buffet" podcast

With the arrival of high school football a little over 24 hours away, it is one of the favorite times of the year for "The Sports Buffet" podcast. However, two things have derailed "The Sports Buffet" podcast recently. So, I just wanted to update you, the readers of my blog and the listeners to my podcast.

1. With two children in the house (both under the age of 2), interviews that are planned don't always get recorded when I want them to. Plus, since my "recording area" is in the room of my youngest daughter, her sleeping schedule and my recording schedule don't always go hand in hand.

2. Recently, I have had a problem with my sciatic nerve. For those of you that don't know much about the sciatic nerve, here is Wikipedia's entry on it. Right now, there is a constant and consistent pain that shoots from my back to about the back of my knee. So, if I am not recording interviews or working on my podcast, it probably means I am in a lot of pain and I am resting.

Just a few updates I wanted to get out there. As you all can probably figure out from my podcasts over time, I love "The Sports Buffet", it's right behind my faith and family in terms of the important things to me in life. So, once I get a bit healthier and a bit more healed from the nerve problems, look for a lot more podcasts to be added to the Buffet.

In a bit of good news, it does appear I have my computer problems fixed that had been ahmpering me. However, older segments from "Talking High School Sports" and games won't be posted until I recieve a new hard drive.

Thanks and keep listening and reading. Any ideas and suggestions are welcome, just contact me at

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