Friday, January 23, 2009

High School Basketball 1st Half Thoughts

Most all high school basketball teams in the Central Virginia area and beyond have completed the 1st half of their district schedules. I got some thoughts from various coaches, boys and girls, to get their thoughts on the 1st Half of the season.

Who is your team's Most Valuable Player in the 1st half of the season?

Brandon Garrett (Nelson County Boys Head Coach)
Trey Barnett because of our lack of depth at the guard position. We lost four guards off last year's team.

Brantley Shields (Appomattox Boys Head Coach)
Kenny Scott has started playing really well the last two weeks. He has started to attack the rim and do some scoring for us, as well as defend and rebound. The past four games (Altavista, Gretna, Nelson County, Chatham) he has had a double double or a near double double.

Chris Young (Brookville Boys Head Coach)
Logan Thomas: He does about everything. He is our leader in every statistical category, as he goes, we go.

Warner Dyke (Brookville Girls Head Coach)
Emilee Dunton is our team leader. She leads us in points and assists. On defense, she guards the best guard on the other team, and usually holds them under their average.

Who has been the most pleasant surprise from your team for the first half of the season?

Brandon Garrett (Nelson County Boys Head Coach)
Cameron Coles: He has stepped up when our leading scorer (Trevor Martin) has been out or limited the last 5-6 games due to injury.

Brantley Shields (Appomattox Boys Head Coach)
Rionn Pradia has been a pleasant surprise to this point. He has committed to doing things other then just shooting. His defense has vastly improved and he has started attacking the rim more.

Chris Young (Brookville Boys Head Coach)
Dan Wallace has really picked up his game the last two weeks. He has simplified his game in order to help out our team dramatically, especially defensively.

Warner Dyke (Brookville Girls Head Coach)
Talisha Watts has been a nice surprise averaging double digits.

Paul Smith (Jefferson Forest Boys Head Coach)
The most pleasant surprise was our early season win against Brookville. It has been a while since JF has defeated Brookville. It was rewarding to get a win against a team that people would consider to as one of the favorites to win the league this year.

Matt Hildebrand (Rustburg Boys Head Coach)
Marshall Wood, a freshman, has contributed more than I thought he would, and in an area I didn't anticipate: defense.

What have you been most pleased/impressed with about your team in the first half of the season?

Brandon Garrett (Nelson County Boys Head Coach)
The fact that we have been competitive and played good defense.

Brantley Shields (Appomattox Boys Head Coach)
I have been pleased with our consistency to this point.

Chris Young (Brookville Boys Head Coach)
It has been hard to find chemistry and an identity thus far. Out of 46 practices, we have only had 7 where our entire team has been healthy in order to participate. Our team has had some ups and downs, but we have always responded after a down moment.

Warner Dyke (Brookville Girls Head Coach)
The ability to win close games. We have won an overtime and a double overtime game.

What does your team need to do better, or what have you been most dissappointed with so far this season?

Brandon Garrett (Nelson County Boys Head Coach)
The biggest dissappointment so far has been the fact that we have not been able to play a complete game for 32 minutes.

Brantley Shields (Appomattox Boys Head Coach)
The biggest dissappointment so far has been our lapses on the defensive blockout.

Chris Young (Brookville Boys Head Coach)
We need to get the ball inside offensively on a regular basis.

Warner Dyke (Brookville Girls Head Coach)
We need to play to our ability night in and night out. We need to continue to get better every day so we are playing our best basketball at tournament time.

What team has surprised you most so far this season and why?

Brandon Garrett (Nelson County Boys Head Coach)
No one has really surprised me in the district so far. I think it's working out like most people and coaches thought it would. I think Chatham may be a little better then some anticipated at the beginning of the year. They have a lot of size and they are very athletic.

Brantley Shields (Appomattox Boys Head Coach)
Dan River: Especially with their defensive intensity.

Chris Young (Brookville Boys Head Coach)
Amherst is very well coached and they are getting a lot out of their players.

Warner Dyke (Brookville Girls Head Coach)
No one has really surprised me. I thought it would be a fight forthe top four spots and it has been so far.

What team do you feel could play the role of sleeper in the 2nd half of the season?

Brandon Garrett (Nelson County Boys Head Coach)
I think Altavista could sneak up on Appomattox, and Dan River but it will depend solely on have their guards develop.

Brantley Shields (Appomattox Boys Head Coach)
Gretna is starting to play better.

Chris Young (Brookville Boys Head Coach)
Amherst has three players that can score. They also have depth and good role players.

Warner Dyke (Brookville Girls Head Coach)
I'm not sure about the second half, but I said before the season that I thought Rustburg was going to be really good this season. They are proving me right. I'm not sure how many people agreed with me before the season, but I think they would all agree now.

Look for more thoughts from these folks and more tomorrow, and be sure to check out a rapidly developing site, at The Sports Buffet